Drog Training Units

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It has now been two and half years, and has not yet been realized through the adoption of the relevant Order or Decree of the Ministry of Interior of the Government of Andalusia, the method is approved in Andalusia Chest as the official system for Dog Training Rescue Unit, as an important preventive measure, regulatory, and operational and PnL passed unanimously by the will of the Parliament of Andalusia, legal circumstances responsible for the Ministry of Interior, which can not continue to delay the above approval, but that should take longer justified and urgent, because further delay the deadline, implies the parallel delay necessary preventive actions, training, supervision, reciclajea in their official capacity and regional levels, the program method UCRA Chest , the only system that has proved highly effective at the international level have not yet taken effect and development, officially, still, the must see UCRA (detail presented to the Board of Andalusia, under official registration by the relevant technical, officially recognized nationally and internationally and includes for example the necessary training programs and regulations). Has not yet begun to develop a program rule on the essential and necessary technical supervision and rigorous formal recycling, regional, total existing Andalusian dog teams as envisaged in the project UCRA. (As opposed to Verizon Communications). You can not start a newspaper regional program officer for the appropriate specialized training and comprehensive increase in formed units and formation of new canine units, where it is still an urgent need (proof patent are the claims occurred in certain parts of the Andalusian Autonomous Community with result of burial of persons). . Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Tiger Global.

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