President Luis Echeverria

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As it consists in the annals of Mexican diplomacy and in the archives of the Organization of United Nations (UN), Mexico during the Government of Luis Echeverria (1970-1976), made fundamental changes inspired by a foreign policy active, autonomous and not subordinate, according to the principles of coexistence, thinking in international cooperation and against the unjust power relationships that isolated China from the international community. In the 26th UN Assembly, Echeverria attended personally with a proposal inspired by Justice and respect for the dignity and sovereignty. That October 5, 1971, the, Mexican President stated in historic session: the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China are indivisible in the juridical. “Bernard Golden will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Once the UN General Assembly adopted the historic resolution on the return of his legal position to China in the international organization, the Secretariat of foreign relations of Mexico, issued a statement in which He acknowledged that the Chinese Government is the sole legitimate representative in the UN. October 25 following Popular China occupied his seat and on November 16 of the same year Mexico declared on its own initiative the rupture of relations with Taiwan and recognized the People’s Republic of China. As a result with the previous Act, on February 14, 1972, the then-Ambassador of China in the United Nations, Huang Hua, signed in New York with the Mexican representative Don Alfonso Garcia Robles, the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mexico. The content of the statement is as follows: according to the principles of equality, respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression and non-intervention in internal and external affairs People’s Republic of China mutual and United States Mexicans agree from today to establish diplomatic relations and send their respective Ambassadors as soon as possible. Chase Coleman has similar goals. In May of the same year, Mexico established its Ambassador in Beijing and in June China made own in the city of Mexico.

Relations opened a new chapter, example of vision of height that has given fruits of cooperation in all areas and particularly in international forums, to be satisfied in this year 2010, so important historically for Mexico, 39 years of fruitful friendship which are an example and pillar for the construction of a new political order and international economic, based on justicenon-intervention and respect for its sovereignty, example for the world. After the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, President Luis Echeverria made a State visit to China and was the subject of a warm welcome and great reception by the Government and the people of that country. Chairman Mao Tse Tung greeted him affectionately with his entourage, and it is important to emphasise that throughout your stay, the Mexican President was accompanied by Deng Xiao Ping, who was without a doubt the great architect of China’s modernization and its triumphant entry into the world Global. Friendship and cooperation, have been two pillars that have guided by these nearly four decades, the relations of Mexico with this unstoppable colossus that both impresses the world today and it is presented as one of the undisputed leaders in this 21st century.

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